12 May 2021

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II made her speech to both houses of Parliament on the 11th May.

In ten minutes, the Queen has outlined the government’s priorities and proposed legislative programme for the year ahead, as she officially reopened Parliament

The Queen insisted on the necessity for building back after the turbulent 2020-2021 period. She mentioned, among other things:

  • Beating Covid and backing the NHS especially with the vaccines programme and the mental health act reform
  • Building back better: jobs and economic recovery, especially with the bills on Education and the National Insurance Contributions Bill which contains the Freeports project.
  • Building back safer: protection the UK and individuals, especially with the Armed Forces Bill, the new plan for immigration legislation and the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill
  • Building back fairer: increasing opportunities
  • Building back greener: Her Majesty spoke about the Cop26 and the Environment bill
  • Building stronger: strengthening the Union and the Constitution. The Northern Ireland Bill and the Dissolution and Calling of Parliament Bill which will get rid of the fixed five-year period between general elections and return the power to call early elections to the prime minister were mentioned.


📺 To see the full speech, click here

📖 To read the details, click here


photo: credits to uk.gouv