Catherine Le Yaouanc
OBE, General Manager, Franco-British Chamber
Catherine has been the General Manager of the Franco-British Chamber since 1993, when she accepted the challenge of the Chamber's financial recovery, the creation of new services and the development of membership. Projects to which will be added include numerous innovations in event typology, the development of new digital media and the Brexit challenge since 2016, which led to the creation in 2019 of the Think Tank, Cross-Channel Institute.
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The Franco-British Chamber is today one of the most dynamic chambers of commerce in the United Kingdom on European soil, and has been awarded numerous prizes (Events, Membership and Digital
For her 20 years in the Chamber in 2013, her European peers awarded her "The Howard Rosen Special Award for Excellence". The number of memberships is constantly growing with a high attractiveness factor for all types of members – President’s Forum, Corporate and Entrepreneurs. Catherine previously held positions in a Special Products Export Department of the Elf Atochem-Ceca group. She is also a board member for the Fondation Franco-Britannique de la Colony de Sillery.
For her 20 years in the Chamber in 2013, her European peers awarded her "The Howard Rosen Special Award for Excellence". The number of memberships is constantly growing with a high attractiveness factor for all types of members – President’s Forum, Corporate and Entrepreneurs. Catherine previously held positions in a Special Products Export Department of the Elf Atochem-Ceca group. She is also a board member for the Fondation Franco-Britannique de la Colony de Sillery.

Marie-Christine Bilbow
Vice President - CFO- Franco British Chamber
Marie-Christine Bilbow is the CEO of Euro Airship, a company that develops and markets rigid airships for the logistics, tourism and surveillance markets
She has gained international experience in major industrial groups such as 3Com, Sterling Software, Assa Abloy, Brinks, Locatel. She has such held positions as CFO, subsidiary director and general manager.
She was appointed Vice-President of the Franco-British Chamber in 2015, in charge of finance, where she brings her knowledge and experience to the Chamber's development and growth.
She has gained international experience in major industrial groups such as 3Com, Sterling Software, Assa Abloy, Brinks, Locatel. She has such held positions as CFO, subsidiary director and general manager.
She was appointed Vice-President of the Franco-British Chamber in 2015, in charge of finance, where she brings her knowledge and experience to the Chamber's development and growth.

Head of Communications, Marketing and Partnerships - Coordinator, The cross-Channel Institute
Jerome started his career at Paris EUROPLACE, where he was in charge of promoting the Paris financial market internationally (North America, Asia, Middle East). He then spent almost 10 years in Los Angeles, USA, where he participated in the development of the image and reputation of two French scale-ups on the American continent. Back in Europe, Jérôme is delighted to join the Chamber and to contribute to the development of Franco-British business relations.

Hubert Dupont Lhotelain
Administrateur - Développement Commercial
Hubert Dupont L’hotelain was Treasurer of Vivendi from 1995 to 2016. Prior to that, Hubert was Treasurer of Compagnie Générale des Eaux, Aérospatiale and Atochem, three French CAC 40 companies. He also has experience as a banker, as Director of Development at BFT (formerly CCF Group, now HSBC France) for two years, and as a Director of the Global Treasury Advisory Board of Citibank for five years.
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His personal experience was built between France and Great Britain where he lived for 15 years. He has adopted a bi cultural attitude in his relationships, trying to make the most of two exceptionally rich lifestyles. After leaving Vivendi, Hubert joined the Franco-British Chamber to develop activities and memberships, and has been a Director since 2017.

Jill Ledger
De nationalité britannique et résidant en France depuis 30 ans, Jill Ledger met à la disposition de la Chambre l’expérience de ses 25 ans de métier de directrice de la communication d'entreprise cotée, exercée dans l'industrie internationale ainsi que sa double culture franco-britannique.
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A travers sa société Jill&Co Bilingual Communications, elle exerce une activité de conseil en communication stratégique aux entreprises, en France et à l’international. Véritable partenaire d'affaires de ses clients, elle est reconnue pour son leadership d'équipe et sa plume creative en anglais et en français.

Greg Williams
Formation linguistique & Certifications
Formation linguistique & Certifications
Greg WILLIAMS est formateur-coach linguistique depuis plus de 30 ans sur Paris et sa région. Avec ses origines franco-britanniques et une enfance dans un contexte international, il a pu acquérir une expérience variée et riche en expériences diverses de part le monde.
Son parcours professionnel lui a valu d'intervenir dans des secteurs très variés et auprès de publics divers au cours de sa carrière : le transport/logistique, la pharmaceutique et cosmétique, le marketing, l'humanitaire ou l'audiovisuel. Il est également très impliqué dans le développement professionnel des formateurs d’anglais en France via l’association The Language Network.
Greg WILLIAMS est formateur-coach linguistique depuis plus de 30 ans sur Paris et sa région. Avec ses origines franco-britanniques et une enfance dans un contexte international, il a pu acquérir une expérience variée et riche en expériences diverses de part le monde.
Son parcours professionnel lui a valu d'intervenir dans des secteurs très variés et auprès de publics divers au cours de sa carrière : le transport/logistique, la pharmaceutique et cosmétique, le marketing, l'humanitaire ou l'audiovisuel. Il est également très impliqué dans le développement professionnel des formateurs d’anglais en France via l’association The Language Network.
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Depuis janvier 2024, Greg est responsable de la gestion et développement des certifications d’anglais professionnel de la Franco-British Chamber. Ces certifications comme le BEST (Business English Skills Test) et le DBE (Diploma of Business English) sont déclinés dans les différentes versions pour tester les professionnels dans leurs domaines spécifiques (le transport, le juridique, le tourisme, etc.) et sont reconnus par le Council of British Chambers of Commerce in Europe.

Véronique Campenon
Administrative Assistant
After an initial training in tourism, Véronique worked for ten years in the direct marketing subsidiary of RSCG (Havas Worldwide). She has now been a student at the Collège des Bernardins for 11 years. She is looking forward to joining a team with an international outlook. Her guiding principle is to communicate and create links in order to move forward together!