7 December 2021
On Tuesday 7th December 2021, the Cross-Channel Institute published its fourth annual barometer on the Franco-British Economic Relationship in 2020.
For the UK and France, the year 2020 was marked by two major events:
- The COVID-19 pandemic, which prompted the French and British governments, as well as private companies, to take measures that have had a definite impact on trade in goods and services between the two countries.
- Brexit, as 2020 was the year before it came into effect, known as the “transition period”. Companies took advantage of the accession to the European customs union until the end of December and prepared either to apply the new administrative measures, or to rethink their territorial location strategy or their supply chain.
Topics covered in the barometer :
- A comparison of the total volume of trade of goods and services with the figures from 2019
- An evaluation of the main sectors of trade of goods and trade of services, including which of those are in surplus for France or for the UK
- An analysis of the ‘intensification’ of trade that has been observed at the end of 2020
- An analysis of Foreign Direct Investment in both France and the UK
- A trade outlook for 2021