8 June 2021

As of June 9th, office-based staff can be asked to come back to the office.

But beware!
The end of 100% home-based work does not mean the end of the right to work from home for employees who wish to work from home.

Employers cannot force all employees to return to the office full-time on June 9th.

This is because during the pandemic (but independently from it) a new national “home office” law called “ANI” has been permanently established. It applies to all businesses in France, and provides that, in a normal situation, apart from crisis situations, office workers now have, by default, a permanent right to work from home if they wish to do so.

As such, each individual employer must negotiate their own internal home office policy, called “Charte de télétravail”, with the Workers’ Council. The Charte must provide for a minimum number of authorized home office days per week.
Did you set up your “Charte de télétravail” yet ? If not, it is getting urgent, and we can help you.

The social distance at work guidance document issued by the Labour Minister has been updated, please distribute it internally:


The social distance at work guidance document for lunch breaks has also been updated:


Small events and gatherings at work are now again authorized, with the wearing of a mask, ventilation measures and social distance. In this context, it is recommended that these events and parties take place outside and should be limited to 25 people.

At the office, the minimal 4 m² space per employee is still applicable. If the office is too small for the 4 m² rule, you will have to set up a rotation between the office and home to limit the number of employees at the office.

Likewise, audio or videoconferencing meetings should still be the default method. When held face-to-face, meetings must respect social distance, masks, and frequent ventilation.

SOURCE: Ferrière & Co